The AI-powered embryo prediction system “intelligent cOmputing Noble Embryo (icONE)” integrates the genetic data from the preimplantation genetic screenings with maternal physical features to predict the probability of pregnancy. The overall prediction accuracy of successful implantation reaches to 92%, which is about 15% higher than any of the current competitors. The icONE is a cloud-based software as medical device (SaMD) for global marketing. With the innovative advantages, icONE accelerates IVF journey for infertile couple to have baby in just one-shot!
1. IVF accelerator-accurately increase the pregnancy rate after implantation.
2. No substantial equivalence products in Taiwan and USA markets.
3. A Cloud-based software as medical device (SaMD) with excellent cybersecurity.
Product Distribution : Look for business partner and agency
#icONE #In vitro fertilisation(IVF) #Artificial Intelligence #Cloud-based Software as Medical Device(SaMD)