
誠徵「博士後研究員Postdoctoral Fellowship」ㄧ名


Applications are invited for one post-doctoral fellow position in molecular diagnosis and precision medicine in the National Cheng Kung University Medical College (NCKUMC), TAIWAN. Highly motivated individuals will join a growing team of molecular geneticists /biologists using state-of-the-art technology in the Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioinformatics Center.

The appointments are full time research job and will work on development of NGS-based molecular testing and bioinformatics. We are looking for individuals with a strong interest in understanding the NGS technologies used in precision medicine. Candidates are expected to have strong knowledges in genetics/genomics, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. Familiar with programming, database management and high throughput sequence data analysis will be a plus. The successful candidates need to have excellent communication and writing skills and will work closely with a team of principal investigators, technicians and staffs.

To apply, please send a curriculum vitae including list of publications, one page summary of research experience/expertise in relation to the precision medicine or molecular diagnosis, and the contact details of three professional referees (name with address, phone and fax number and e-mail) to Dr. Sunny Sun, Institute of Molecular Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Medical College, 1 University Road, Tainan, Taiwan 70101. Email: hssun@mail.ncku.edu.tw

五、福利:薪資比照科技部 (成果表現優良者可加入生技公司任職)

意者請將履歷、與基因檢測或精準醫療相關之學經歷及推薦人聯絡資訊等寄至:704 台南市勝利路367號4樓分子醫學研究所 孫孝芳老師收。若需進一步訊息,請洽孫孝芳老師,Tel: 06-2353535#3648或E-mail: hssun@mail.ncku.edu.tw

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