
【基因體醫學中心特別演講】-To Enrich or Not To Enrich: How Target Enrichment Can Advance Your Research


********************************************************************* 題目:To Enrich or Not To Enrich: How Target Enrichment Can Advance Your Research 時間: 101年4月10日 12-13:30PM 地點:統一健康大樓B1第二會議室 敬備午餐,敬請上網預約 http://www.binfo.ncku.edu.tw/course ********************************************************************* Several methodologies for performing DNA target enrichment prior to next generation sequencing have been developed and utilized in a growing number of experimental studies. As the price of next gen sequencing continues to fall, the debate around whether to perform some type of selection is ongoing. A number of variables must be considered to make the best decision, including the number of samples, the amount of DNA available, the sequencing platform used, budget, reproducibility requirements, and the availability of automation. To clarify some of these issues, you are invited to join us in viewing a video webinar that was presented online and live during the American Association for Cancer Research conference in Washington, D.C. 2010. Moderator: Sean Sanders, Ph.D., Commercial Editor, Science/AAAS Speakers: Dr. Dale Hedges/Assistant professor, Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, Miami, FL Dr. Elaine Mardis /Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO Dr. Jun S. Wei/National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD During the broadcast, the presenters will: Provide a general introduction to the target enrichment methods they use Discuss how these technologies can be applied to the next gen sequencing workflow Share data from studies that have benefited from their approaches

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